January Monthly Magical Workshop


Tap into your inner magic, get in tune with the energies of 2025 to navigate the path ahead all within a supportive magical community.

Join us Friday January 10th 7pm at Three Sisters Coffee & Tea in Burbank to dive into the magic of tarot by learning about the card of 2025, The Hermit. Sooth the nervous system with a relaxing guided meditation, tap into your intuition, learn about the themes of the year ahead as well as how to navigate them, infuse a personal magic candle with your intentions, empower your magic within a warm welcoming circle of folks.

Candles will be provided, the cafe will be open to take drink orders, bring something to journal in.

This workshop is open to anyone whether you’re interested in strengthening your intuition, setting intentions, new or longtime practitioners or simply interested in meditation & community- all are welcome to gather.

If you cannot make it in person you can still access the workshop by becoming a member on Fantasma Witch's Patreon! Become a member!


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